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Sweet Obsession Page 5

  I pulled away from his embrace. “Please, Nidal, do not tell anyone that today is my birthday. I prefer to share this special day only with you.” I hoped he would abide by my wishes, but Nidal’s response was another kiss, which took my breath away.

  We walked into the dining area with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, which was not missed by anyone who sat there looking right at us, as if we had committed a crime. I felt a little uncomfortable, but Nidal never let go of my hand, and that gave me a little comfort. I stole a quick glance across the table at the queen, and she was once again giving me that look of disapproval. My heart sank. Without even realizing it, I tightened my hold on Nidal’s hand, and he looked at me concerned, still unaware of his mother’s real feelings toward me.

  I plastered a fake smile on my face for his benefit, not wanting to upset him. He had other issues at hand here, like the fact that there were many guests tonight for dinner. I counted thirty in all, and that did not include Nidal and me. Besides the queen, I was the only other female at the table. All the men, with the exception of Nidal, were wearing their uniforms. This must be an important dinner meeting. Something is happening right under my nose. I am sure Nidal knows what it is, but he has not shared the information with me.

  Next to the king, on his left side, sat Billal. Clearly, something was going on. I knew my bed would be cold tonight and Nidal would not be there to warm it. Just then, my thoughts of disappointment were interrupted when a servant walked in the room holding a birthday cake with a lit candle on it. Everybody started clapping and singing the birthday song to me. Embarrassed, I just sat there speechless.

  The king stood and raised his glass of wine in the air and made a toast. “Happy birthday, Loula,” he said joyfully.

  Everyone, including the queen, who sat to the king’s right, stood to toast me. Nidal pulled me close to him and kissed me on the mouth tenderly. I blew out the one candle that was on the cake, and the servants took away the pastry so they could slice it for dessert. All the attention I received touched me. Somehow they seemed warmer and kinder than they had been at other times. Conversation flowed throughout the room, and laughter filled the air.

  The conversation wrapped around Nidal’s childhood, as the queen and some of the guests remembered him as a little rascal always in mischief. I could only imagine him running in the palace’s halls, trying to find a hiding place to avoid punishment. The queen’s gaze occasionally went from Nidal to me. The fine lines on her face relaxed, and the tone of her voice sounded warmer than usual. Dare I think that she is starting to accept me in her son’s life?

  Dinner was served, but try as I might, I could not eat. I had lost my appetite. The thought of my lover going to another meeting tonight, and especially tonight of all nights, turned my stomach upside down. Nidal threw me a questioning glance, and I looked away, fearing the tears would roll down my face for all to see.

  I could tell that he had guessed the reason for my sadness, and he whispered in my ear, “I will not be gone for long. Wait for me, and I will give you the second part of your gift.”

  And I looked up at him, and he winked at me, throwing me a smile to die for. My heart raced at the mention of my second gift. Just thinking about it set my heart on fire.

  After dinner, the cake was brought out, all sliced up and ready to serve, but without even waiting for dessert, all the men, including Nidal, rose from the table and quickly disappeared. Nidal apologized as he hastily kissed my lips and followed the gentlemen out the door, leaving the queen and me alone at the table.

  The queen, who was sitting at the end of the dinner table all the way on the other side, stood, picked up her teacup and the plate with her slice of cake on it, walked over, and sat in the empty chair opposite me. A young servant scrambled over to her and handed her a silver fork. The queen drank her tea and ate her cake in silence. I just sat there waiting for the queen to dismiss me, but she did not. Instead, she spoke to me for the first time since I had come to the palace.

  “I think,” she said, as her eyes turned to me, “you should try a piece of this chocolate cake. It is pure heaven.” She smiled and dropped two sugar cubes in her tea while she waited for my response.

  I was taken by surprise that the queen had decided to take this moment to talk to me, and I got excited and did not know what to say. So I just smiled and reached for my fork and started eating my slice of the cake, keeping myself busy while I devoured the pastry.

  “I see you too approve of the chocolate cake.” The queen laughed softly as she put the napkin she wiped her mouth with on the table and rose to her feet.

  “Yes, thank you. It was delicious,” I quickly responded.

  Then I also rose and waited for the queen to exit the room before I did. The queen threw me a half smile as she elegantly strode out of the dining area and disappeared to her room. As I walked down the corridor to my room, I caught myself smiling, and I wondered if this were the beginning of a new relationship between the queen and me. It would sure be nice to have her on my side.

  Closing the door to my room, my mind once again was troubled with the thought of what the gentlemen in the meeting were discussing with their king. I could only speculate what they were talking about behind closed doors.

  I do not like the idea of Nidal keeping secrets from me, I thought dryly as I undressed.

  I climbed into bed naked, feeling a little sleepy. In the middle of the night as I was still awake, I heard the door open and softly close. Nidal tiptoed to the bathroom, and minutes later, he walked to our bed and slipped under the covers as gently as he could.

  I could feel his sweet breath on my face as he lay in bed next to my warm body. A full moon was outside, and the curtains were open so Nidal could easily see my face. I pretended to be asleep. As much as I wanted to throw myself into his embrace, I dared not. I wanted to make him feel my body heat and know what he could have had if he had come sooner to bed, but he made no sound, and he did not move at all. He lay still. I waited what seemed like an eternity. Finally not able to stand it anymore, I opened my eyes and saw him staring into my face. The moonbeams cast its light upon his face, and I saw him smiling right at me.

  He quickly pulled me into his arms. I stared at his lips as he parted them to whisper something to me, but I could not wait any longer. With an impatient pull of his head, I brought his lips to mine and kissed him hungrily. Nidal pulled away from me.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked me passionately.

  “No,” I lied.

  He drew his head back and looked at me amused. “Liar.”

  He playfully tickled me until I cried from laughter.

  So we spent our night blissfully in each other’s arms as our entangled bodies passionately tasted the fruits of love.

  When I awoke the next morning, I noticed that Nidal was missing from the bed. I looked around the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking of last night. My body burned with desire thinking of my lover’s naked body on top of mine. My hand automatically went to my throat as I remembered the beautiful necklace Nidal had showered me with. It was very thoughtful of Nidal to remember my birthday and share it with everyone. I smiled, thinking I could not be happier than I was at this very moment.

  I got out of bed and dressed into a simple pink gown with yellow trimmings at the bottom, thinking this gown was befitting my mood right now. I was in love, and that was enough to make me swirl around with happiness. I was in my own happy little world and did not even hear the light tapping on the door as I danced around the room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the door open gently and Billal’s head peek inside, staring right at me with a smile on his handsome face. Embarrassed, I looked at him and opened my mouth. Why did he open my door without asking first?

  Annoyed, I waved at him to enter, knowing I could not stay mad at him for long. He was a good man, and I
enjoyed his company. Billal came inside quickly and shut the door behind him. He walked up to me, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me softly on the cheek.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said cheerfully. He stepped back. “I am sorry to intrude on you like this, but I know that Nidal has gone to the village for some business, and I took a chance and came here to give you this.” He pulled a gold bracelet out of his pocket. A charm, a gold heart, was hanging on it, and it was absolutely beautiful.

  I was surprised that he would even think to give me a gift. I knew I could not accept a gift from Billal without some kind of retaliation from Nidal, but Billal took my right hand and clasped the bracelet on my wrist. The heart dangled elegantly as I raised my arm in the air and admired the bracelet.

  “Happy birthday, Loula,” he said softly.

  What am I to do? Keeping this lovely gift means starting a war with Nidal. He would never allow me to keep it and would demand I give it back.

  Billal must have noticed my change of heart. “Loula, please keep it as a token of our friendship. We are friends, are we not?” he asked, hopeful.

  I sighed, knowing I would regret my decision one day. I hugged him. “Thank you, ’tis a lovely gift, and I will treasure it.”

  Pleased with my response, Billal smiled from ear to ear.

  “I must get back to work. I have a million and one things to do today. Enjoy your day, my lady,” he said, with a twinkle in his eyes as he turned gracefully and exited the room.

  I lifted my hand and admired the bracelet, knowing I had to take it off and hide it before Nidal came back, for I knew that he would be enraged if he saw it. I walked over to the bed, sat on it, and unclasped the bracelet. I examined the beautiful item as it shined in my hands. At that moment, I heard footsteps outside my door, and I quickly hid the bracelet underneath my pillow, afraid that someone might see it.

  Nidal walked into the room, and I was pleasantly pleased to see him. I ran to his arms and threw myself at him. The bracelet was quickly forgotten. My prince wrapped his arms around me and held on to me for dear life. When our lips met, no words were needed. It was magical as always. Nidal swept me up in his arms and took my breath away as he laid me tenderly on the bed and took my clothes off my heated body. Recklessly, I pulled his shirt over his head and untied the strings to his pantaloons as Nidal kicked off his boots. His hands skillfully caressed my entire body, igniting a fire within me that threatened to explode. I felt him hard and ready and held my breath, knowing he would enter me and take me to heights of passion that would have me screaming his name for mercy.

  Nidal pushed hard inside me, breathing heavily as he called out my name hoarsely. “Loula!” he cried passionately.

  He pushed harder and faster and moaned and groaned, and everything inside me exploded. Liquid fire coursed throughout my entire body as I trembled in ecstasy. I felt Nidal’s hold on me tighten as he also reached his peak. As he slowed down and relaxed his body on top of mine, our eyes met and locked, and his lips came crashing down on mine.

  Afterward when we cooled off, Nidal looked tenderly at me, and I noticed a shiny glint in his eyes. He was up to something.

  I looked at him curiously. “What is on your mind?”

  He straightened up next to me and took my hands in his, and I held my breath waiting for him to speak. My heart was pounding so loud that I thought it would burst.

  Nidal looked deep into my eyes and spoke in a serious, loving tone, “Loula, you know how I feel. You know I cannot exist in a world without you. You are the very reason for my existence. I love you with all my heart and soul. I waited patiently for you all these years until you were ready for me.” He took my hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it. My heart pounded rapidly. “Loula, you know how much I love you,” he whispered with deep emotion. “I want to make you my wife, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to have my children. I want to grow old with you. Loula, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asked hopefully as he waited patiently for me to answer.

  He took my breath away, my prince, the love of my life. He looked at me now as if his life depended on my answer. He stopped breathing, not wanting to disrupt my response.

  “Nidal,” I whispered his name softly as tears of joy sprang to my eyes, “I love you so much, and I could love no other. It is you to whom I lost my heart to, and it has always been you,” I cried. “Yes, I will marry you. I want desperately to be your wife.”

  I threw myself in his arms and sealed our love with a passionate kiss. It was a moment that neither of us would ever forget, a beautiful moment full of love and promises. I treasured every second I had with Nidal. My heart burst with joy. My prince had asked to marry me, and I felt blessed.

  After sharing this beautiful morning with my lover, I was reluctant to get out of bed. I wanted his warm body next to mine forever, but he announced that he had a meeting with his men. He slid out of bed and picked up his clothes. I stared at his lean, muscled body as he dressed, and for the life of me, I could not tear away my gaze. He looked so sexy that the butterflies in my stomach started dancing again. Nidal noticed and gave me a wolfish smile, and my eyes begged him to come back to bed, but in that instant, I noticed that Nidal was staring at something other than me. I followed his gaze and saw that his eyes had rested on the bracelet that Billal had given me. It had somehow made its way to the other side of the bed. My heart stopped beating as Nidal leaned over and grabbed it.

  He held it in his hand and examined the expensive trinket. He lifted his gaze to me and asked in a low, dangerous tone, “Where did this come from?” I froze, knowing not what to say. “Where did this come from?” he barked again and shook the bracelet in my face.

  Fearing the worst, I jumped out of bed and searched for my clothes, ignoring his question. I slipped into my gown, and with shaky fingers, I fastened the clasps to the front of the gown and frantically looked around for my slippers. Nidal’s patience ran out.

  He marched up to me and asked again a third time, “Where did this come from?”

  Again, I ignored him because I was afraid to tell him the truth. Just that second, I saw Nidal’s face tighten as he finally realized on his own. I waited for the explosion that was for sure going to follow.

  “This is from Billal, isn’t it?” He took a step closer to me. “You dare to accept a gift from the traitor as soon as my back is turned? Like a fool, I trusted you and asked you to be my wife! You are not loyal to the love that I thought we shared for one another! I will never marry a tramp like you!” he roared.

  If he had stuck a knife in my heart and twisted it, the pain would have been less than what I felt at this very moment. With trembling lips, I said simply, “Then don’t, but I tell you this. You are making a mistake talking to me in this manner. I shall never forgive you!”

  Nidal threw his head back and laughed wholeheartedly. “Madam, the only mistake I have made was falling in love with you.”

  Those words cut deeply into my wounded heart and killed everything I held dear in this life. “No, Nidal, it was I that made the mistake, not you.” I was unable to stop the tears that flowed down my face.

  Nidal’s jaw clenched, and his eyes turned a darker shade of blue. I turned and walked away, not knowing what else to do. Nidal grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. Then he grabbed my hair with his two hands, twisted it, and pulled me forward. Our foreheads touched, and I cried out in pain, but he did not loosen his grip. He held me in this position. His hands were still holding my twisted hair tightly. I could feel his heavy breathing on my face. A single tear escaped and rolled down his face as he looked deep inside my eyes, searching for answers that would stop the agony in his heart. My head went numb as I stared into his beautiful eyes. My heart already regretted accepting the gift from Billal. What was I thinking?

  A few minutes later, Nidal let go
of my hair and dropped his hands to his sides. I saw the muscles on his face relax. He silently walked over to the bathroom and entered it, thrusting the door shut behind him. I bolted for the door. Blinded by tears, I ran down the long corridor, exited through the back doors, and went around to the stables.

  A beautiful black stallion had his head in a bucket and was drinking water. I approached him slowly. His head bobbed up, and he took a few steps backward. Not wanting to scare him, I reached over and caressed his neck, whispering softly to him. When I saw that he accepted my friendship, I slowly grabbed his reins and pulled him gently toward me. I kicked over the bucket, and the remaining water spilled. I turned the bucket upside down and placed it next to the horse. I stepped on it, climbed on top of the horse, and pulled his reins. And off we went. It’s a good thing I know how to ride a horse.

  The horse galloped away from the palace. The warm breeze brushed against my skin, and I closed my eyes, allowing the tears to travel down my face, another reminder of the pain that tortured my heart.

  After riding for a while, I had no idea where I was headed to, and as I looked around, I realized I was lost. I did not know which way would lead me to a safe haven. I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to focus and see where I had come from, but as I looked around, I saw nothing but grass, trees, and hills. A new set of tears spilled forth, and I was tired of riding, so I decided to stop and rest a bit instead of moving forward. I jumped off the stallion and found a nice spot under a tree that offered some shade and a decent resting spot, but to my dismay, the stallion did not want to be a part of my adventure anymore, and he ran away. I panicked and called out to him, but it was of no use. The beautiful stallion had quickly disappeared from my view.

  Now what? A new set of tears were threatening to spill forth, but I knew that crying would not help the situation. After much thought, I decided not to waste any more time, and I started walking down a dirt path, hoping it would take me to the village I had once visited with Nidal. I walked the whole entire day with only a few rests along the way. It was almost sundown, and from a distance, I saw many lit torches, which indicated a village was down that road. I picked up my pace, and I was relieved when I finally reached the village.