Sweet Obsession Read online

Page 3

  Dizzy with passion, I did not resist his lovemaking. Instead, I got drunk from it as he brought me closer to him, and I once again felt his bulge pressing against my womanhood. I knew he was just as much aroused as I was. In that instant, I relaxed my back and arched into total submission. He could do what he wanted to me, and I would allow it. I had no control of my senses. My heart was pounding a thousand times a second, and I thought I would burst into tears of joy.

  Somewhere far away, I heard pounding on the door, but I was oblivious to reality as Nidal’s kisses burned my lips. But the pounding on the door got even louder, and Nidal pulled away from me with a groan and asked angrily, “Who is it?”

  There was no answer, so he opened the door to see for himself who would dare interrupt us at such a moment. A servant was standing outside and looked scared out of his mind. My heart went out to him as he nervously said, “The king wants you to visit his quarters hastily.”

  Nidal pushed the door and closed it in the servant’s face, terrifying the poor soul even more. Nidal looked at me with an apologetic smile. With trembling hands, I ran my fingers through my long black hair and looked down at my toes so he would not notice how disappointed I was.

  Nidal softly caressed my face and gently lifted my chin, and our eyes locked. No words were necessary at this moment. It was plain and simple. We both wanted to pick up where we left off, but we knew that was impossible. When the king gave orders, he did not like to wait. My prince whispered his love for me and quickly exited the room. Left all alone, I felt goose bumps all over my trembling body.

  I wondered what would have happened if we were not interrupted. I knew I would have allowed Nidal to do what he wanted to me, but would he have done just that? I would never know the answer to that now. I felt cheated from the truth. A feeling of loneliness overcame me, and I tried to keep my emotions in check as I looked around the room for a comfort zone. It was such a huge room, and it was so elegantly decorated with its French couches and lavish Oriental rugs, beautiful silk curtains that trimmed the French windows, and crystal vases and bed linens imported from Italy. It seemed as if this room represented the whole world with all this beauty, but even though all this was breathtakingly beautiful, I could not appreciate anything. They are just material things. Nidal is all I need to be happy.

  I changed into my nightgown and lay in bed with thoughts of Nidal on my mind. I dozed off, and when I next opened my eyes, the room was dark. How many hours have I slept?

  I spread my arm across the bed, only to find that part of the bed empty and cold. I longed for Nidal’s return. What is so important that the king keeps the prince away from me for so long? My thoughts went back to the way Nidal had kissed me a few hours ago, and my mind was spinning out of control.

  A few moments later, the door opened and closed softly. I heard Nidal’s distinctive light footsteps in the dark. He came to me at last. I pretended to be sleeping as I heard him walk toward the bathroom. Minutes later, he slipped quietly into bed besides me, and gently pulled me close to him. I had never felt more at home than at this transcendent moment. Peace settled in my heart. I knew that I could not live without him. He was my whole world, and I knew without a doubt that the feeling was mutual.

  With his arms around me, Nidal snuggled close to me and whispered, “I love you.” That made a hundred and one times that he had said it to me today. I smiled happily and surrendered to every whisper I ever heard from him. I am so in love with this man. Nidal’s love has affected me to a point where I am addicted, and I cannot survive without him.

  I wanted to tell him that I also loved him, but he would not—could not—believe me yet. But as I dozed off, I promised myself that I would make it my life’s mission to do what it took to show Nidal that I too loved him as deeply as he loved me.

  When I woke up the next day, my sleeping prince held me tightly. It was my turn to lie in bed and stare at him. All night, I kept waking up as his fingers softly and lightly touched my skin. He knew every inch of my body better than I did. He searched all night trying to find a spot he had not claimed yet. He was marking his territory.

  Sleeping now, he looked powerless. He was breathing softly without a single wrinkle creasing his beautiful face. A slight smile was on his face as he lay there peacefully in bliss. I stole a quick glance under the covers and saw his shaft. It was huge and ready. Is he dreaming of me or some Arabian princess?

  Jealousy ate at me as I snuggled closer to him, holding on to him and staking my claim on this beautiful man. He is mine. All mine.

  I could not help myself, and I peeked one more time under the covers and groaned at the delightful sight. As I looked up, I found Nidal glaring down at me with an amused smile on his face. My face turned beet red with embarrassment. Why did I allow my eyes to travel so much? What was I thinking?

  I did not want to get my prince mad again, but as I looked at his face again, I saw raw lust there. His eyes looked as if they turned a darker shade of blue. His hands tightened around my waist, and he pulled me up on top his hot, already aroused body. I felt his shaft pushing against my thigh, his hands squeezing me closer, and his mouth reached hungrily and trailed kisses down my neck.

  Nidal pulled the nightgown off my body and flipped me on my back. His lips were demanding, his embrace was possessive and strong, and when he leaned his hips against mine, desire shuddered through me so intensely that a moan escaped through my lips. Nidal grabbed my breasts, stroking them gently and playfully in his hands. His lips worked their way to them as his tongue skillfully worked magic, teasing my nipples until they were hard as a rock. I heard him take a sharp inhalation of breath as he hungrily buried his face in my breast. His hands glided up my thigh and ignited a liquid fire within me so intense that it exploded inside me and traveled throughout my entire body, like hot lava escaping from a volcano. Losing all my senses and shaking uncontrollably, I called out his name in a voice I did not even recognize as my own.

  Nidal made a strangled sound before his lips came crashing down on mine. His hands skillfully burned my skin with passion. With my hands, I also explored places I had never before touched. Nidal’s sculpted, naked, warrior body trembled beside me as he whispered what he wanted to do to me, and finally he shifted his body on top of mine. His breathing sounded harsh, and I felt the thundering of his heartbeat against my breast. I was trembling with desire. He kissed me savagely. And with one plunge, he broke the barrier, claiming me his forever as he pushed deep within me. Nidal stopped for a brief second, waiting for the pain to subside. I could see in his eyes how it pleased him that he was the first to take my maidenhood. Then, unleashing all his emotions, Nidal lost all control and dug deeper and deeper until I trembled in his arms. He hoarsely called out my name as he rode me with wild passion to a point of no return. His husky voice mingled with my sweet cries. He spoke in his rich, husky Arabian tongue as he came, shuddering in my arms so intensely that it took my breath away.

  I was totally and passionately in love with him. Wrapping my arms around Nidal, I never wanted to let him go. He was mine. I was his. We were now one. Complete. We were oblivious to anything outside of our lovemaking. We looked hungrily into each other’s eyes, and at that moment, we both understood that we could never be without each other ever again. Together or nothing, that was what our eyes said. And that was how it shall be from this moment forward.

  I traced the soft skin of his solid, muscled back. Nidal held me in his strong embrace as he lovingly stared deep into my soul. I was lost for words. He fell sideways on the bed, still holding me closely, and softly whispered words of endearment. And then suddenly he asked with a tortured and trembling voice, “Do you love me?”

  Love him?

  I answered simply yes.

  How can he question my love for him after what we had just shared?

  I saw adoration in his eyes at that moment, and he looked as if he were about
to say something but changed his mind. Words were not needed anymore as he yanked me against his body and his lips once again claimed mine hungrily and sweetly took what had always belonged to him. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and immediately desire slammed through him, and I heard a husky sound rumble deep in his throat as he slid his knee between my legs, opened them apart, and savagely plunged into me, unleashing all his male strength inside me once again.

  We moved together in the same rhythm. Hot passion swept us to a place either of us had ever gone to before, a new place of understanding each other’s body as we do our own. I rode with him. It even felt like a new adventure this time around. I dug my nails in his back as I cried with passion.

  At that moment, I thought I heard something, but I was so involved in our lovemaking that I hardly noticed the queen open the bedroom door and stare at us wide-eyed with embarrassment. She quickly closed the door as she went running down the hallway in astonishment. Nidal’s eyes opened wide, and he asked, bewildered, if someone had just entered our room, but judging from my facial expression, he guessed the truth and mouthed the word “fuck.” I, of course, thought it was funny because I had never heard him swear before while I was naked in his arms and having the queen walk in on us like that. I wondered why Nidal never locked the door and why people just entered private rooms without waiting for permission.

  This was just too hilarious. My laughter got a little out of control, and Nidal joined the fun. And there we both were, laying on the bed, naked and spent, and laughing to tears, until I heard the big boom, bang, kaboom. I froze and stared questionably at Nidal, who looked at me, and then looked away and buried his face in his pillow.

  What is all that noise? It sounded like someone had thrown a bomb. Terrified, I snuggled in Nidal’s arms, trembling as the rippling noise turned louder and louder. I glanced at Nidal, and he quickly explained, “The servants fired the cannons. They are letting the people of Arabia know that we have consummated our union.” He said this as if it were a normal thing to say. I stared wide-eyed in astonishment at him, not understanding a single word he had just muttered.

  What in the world is he talking about? Letting his people know what? That we just had sex? Wide-eyed, I stared at him. Is he crazy?

  While the rest of the world’s history books wrote about the wars won and lost, the sacrifices, and the history of their countries, the Arabian world would have a section in their history books of our lovemaking.

  “Loula, our union is a big deal to my people, and it is our custom and tradition to celebrate with a festive party out in the streets of Arabia. There will be food, wine, and dancing all night.” He stopped for a brief second to see my reaction to all that he had told me before continuing. “They will also explode fireworks in the night sky. It is the way my people celebrate their future king’s happiness, Loula,” he said quietly, as he studied my face.

  I stared at him wide-eyed, not knowing what to say. All that just because the prince lost his virginity today?

  I wiggled out of his embrace and made a face in his direction, not understanding their customs or their traditions. Nidal’s hand cupped my breast and softly caressed it. I tensed and slapped away his hand. I did not feel comfortable sharing my intimate relationship with the rest of the world.

  It sure sucked being in love with a prince, I thought dryly.

  Nidal must have noticed the hurtful expression on my face. “Don’t worry. Just go with it, and all will be fine.”

  Well, that’s what I should tell him next time his cousin kisses me. I will look at him sweetly and say innocently, “Oh, don’t worry, honey. Just go with it.”

  But even the thought of his cousin anywhere near me sounded dreadful. Nidal would react wildly, so I had to quickly erase that thought.

  As the day flew by, everyone was bustling about while getting ready for the party. The festivities had started a couple of hours ago. I could hear the music loud and clear from my open window, and I grew nervous wondering if at last the people of this country would accept me. I wondered what the queen’s thoughts were about all this. Is she secretly planning a way to get rid of me, or has she decided to welcome me into her family?

  As I dressed for the occasion, I felt humiliated and distressed and hoped my patience would be intact when the time came for me to step out of my comfort zone. It would not be easy walking around with a smile on my face knowing full well what the celebration was all about.

  With shaky hands, I slipped into a gold-colored gown. It was a beautiful, shimmering, soft material with beaded lace trimmings, and it had a low neckline that showed off a little more cleavage than necessary. I checked myself in the mirror, and I had to admit that I looked absolutely beautiful.

  My hair was in an updo with tiny little ringlets of soft curls falling delicately around my face. Earlier in the day, a servant had brought me a small tiara made of diamonds and said the queen had ordered that I wear it tonight. I wondered if it were sent as a peace offering. I hoped it was, because I really wanted the queen to like me. It would make my life a little less stressful if she did. My personal maid was an expert with hair, as she finished the updo with expertise, and at last, she placed the diamond tiara on top of my head. She smiled at me, and I saw how pleased she was with the results. I thanked her as she bowed and happily headed out the door.

  I slipped into my glass slippers and stood carefully, holding on to the chair, lest I fall flat on my face. The heels were a dab too high. Nidal was not around. He was dressing in another part of the palace, and I was glad. I wanted to surprise him with my appearance, knowing he would be pleased with the results.

  I checked myself one more time in front of the mirror, and I really liked what I saw. I looked different with the tiara on my head. I almost looked like royalty. I smiled because I knew that material things could never change me into a different person. With or without the headpiece, I would always be Loula. I do not seek the crown. I do not need to be living like royalty to be happy. All I need is Nidal. He is the only one who can make me feel complete.

  I swirled once around, and my gown wrapped around my legs. Then the shimmering material fell elegantly to the floor, covering my glass slippers. I loved this gown. It was one of my favorites, and my overall appearance was very satisfying, but I realized I was not wearing any jewelry to complement my wardrobe. I reached over to the dresser where my jewelry box lay on top, and I opened it. All my jewels sparkled like stars in the night sky. They were all gifts from Nidal. He had showered me with diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies. A king’s ransom! I sighed sadly.

  Nidal has not yet realized that these jewels mean nothing to me. They are just costly trinkets that are beautiful to look at. They are not what I crave. I never longed for such treasures. All I want is to be Nidal’s bride. That is enough to make me happy in this lifetime, but I will wear the diamond necklace with its matching bracelet just to please Nidal.

  I also clasped on the diamond earrings that Nidal had given me, saying they once belonged to his deceased grandmother. I had heard many stories of her and felt sad that I would never meet her. Nidal has told me that she was a philanthropist among many other great things, and it is with great joy that I am wearing something that had once belonged to her.

  Now that my outfit was complete, I was ready to go to my prince. I walked toward the door, opened it, and stepped out into the hall. I was also in another part of the palace for the preparations. A large, bearded guard with broad shoulders was waiting for me outside the door. He had a glint in his eyes and a big smile on his face as he proudly took my hand in his and led me down the long, wide, circled staircase. I was nervous with each step that I took. Halfway down, I spotted Nidal. He looked dashing in his uniform, as he looked up at me with a huge smile on his face. I arrived on the last step, and the handsome man took my hand and placed it in Nidal’s.

  I froze in my tracks, I was so nervou
s that I thought my legs would turn to jelly and I would fall to the floor. I looked into Nidal’s eyes. I tried to focus all my attention on him and pretend that all the other people who stood around the prince were not there. Nidal stared openmouthed at me. He looked stunned, and I heard whispering among the huge crowd as they also looked at me with approval. Nidal could not take his eyes off me. His eyes displayed so much love and passion. Tears of joy were in my eyes as Nidal took my hand and helped me down the last step.

  My prince stared hungrily at the cleavage of my dress, and as he looked up at me, a twinkle in his eyes told me he was already thinking of later on tonight in our bed. I smiled, looked around the room at everyone, and bowed to them. The people of Arabia bowed back to me, and then they started clapping their approval. I looked quickly at the queen, and I thought I saw a smile on her face. I noticed that even the king looked pleasantly pleased, and Nidal, my handsome prince, looked dashing with his long, lean body clad in king’s attire and all his medals hanging loose on his jacket. A crown was on his head, and truly, he looked like the next king of Arabia. He looked the role. Now he had to play the role.

  His blue eyes were bright as ever on this festive day, and he was all mine. I could not wait for tonight. I just wanted to be in his arms. I sighed deeply, knowing it would be many hours before I could enjoy his naked body on mine. I loved him so much. As if Nidal read my thoughts, he winked at me, letting me know that he was also thinking the same thing as I was.

  My prince led me through the crowd, as they all spread apart and opened a path for us to walk through. My prince and I stepped outside where there must have been thousands upon thousands patiently waiting for our appearance. Nidal took my hand in his and raised it in the air, showing everyone that I was his choice of a bride. Suddenly everyone was applauding and cheering loudly. Rose petals were thrown at us as we walked down the stairs outside the long stairway toward the people.